Jupiter is exactly 180 degrees from the Sun, rising as the Sun is setting. We are now the closest we’ll be to Jupiter this year! Weather permitting viewing of Jupiter ...
Commander Yury Onufrienko with astronauts Carl Walz and Daniel Bursch left Earth in December 2001, staying in orbit for six months. Cadets will learn what the Expedition did, build on ...
Weather permitting, viewing through one or more telescopes will take place. During this time the Last Quarter Moon will be below the horizon. Please keep headlights off while parking and leaving. Drive slowly!
It’s not light, it’s not dark. It’s that special time called twilight--and HRPO wants to introduce you to it! Are all sections of the sky the same shade of blue? ...
Uranus is exactly 180 degrees from the Sun, rising as the Sun is setting. We are now the closest we’ll be to Uranus this year! The light-blue, high-ice planet (during ...
Are you a local skygazer, homeowner, business owner, science teacher or stakeholder interested reclaiming a natural sky above HRPO and its surrounding while simultaneously saving money and energy, and making ...
For over four decades the Baton Rouge Astronomical Society has educated countless numbers of citizens in the joys of planetary and deep-sky gazing, the perils of light pollution and factors to ...
Quite possibly the most important three hours a stakeholder will spend at HRPO this year will be this networking conference allowing HRPO parents, BRAS members and LSU physics professors and ...
Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Gus Grissom, Wally Schirra, Alan Shepard, Deke Slayton. These men's names have passed into history and into legend. To register, go to www.brec.org, access ...
Weather permitting, viewing through one or more telescopes will take place. There will also be physical science demonstrations, a marshmallow roast, a sky tour and a game for kids to earn small ...
Campers will build and fly a single-stage chemical rocket, while learning about the upcoming missions to the Moon and Mars, how an asteroid will occult the star Betelgeuse and the ...
Weather permitting, viewing of the Sun’s image in three different manners (indirectly onto a white surface, directly with safely-filtered optical light and directly in hydrogen-alpha wavelength) will take place. During this ...
This program offers advanced topics, activity extensions and all-new games and demonstrations to older youth. Certificates are earned and archived as well as modern experiments take place. There are also giveaways ...
Weather permitting, viewing through one or more telescopes will take place. During this time the waxing gibbous Moon will be at a maximum altitude of 61° in Aries. Please keep headlights off while ...