Evening Sky Viewing
Highland Road Park ObservatoryNOTE: As the heat index is in NOAA's "Danger" category until 9pm, this event is cancelled. HRPO personnel will be offering public viewing on Wednesday the 9th at the Burbank ...
NOTE: As the heat index is in NOAA's "Danger" category until 9pm, this event is cancelled. HRPO personnel will be offering public viewing on Wednesday the 9th at the Burbank ...
Periodically Mercury reaches its greatest angular separation in the sky (elongation) from the Sun. This is the safest way to view Mercury by amateurs. Come join us at the Burbank ...
NOTE: HRPO's main floor AC unit has a broken component. The lecture originally scheduled to take place before this viewing session ("STEREO Shows the Sun") has been postponed until 15 ...
Close-up imagery of the "ice giants" were acquired via the Voyager spacecraft. Cadets will understand how the visits to the most-titled planet and the windiest planet in the Solar System ...
The Perseids are one of the major meteor showers of the year, caused by debris left from the passings of Comet Swift-Tuttle. Come learn about meteors and let's see if ...
Are you a local skygazer, homeowner, business owner, science teacher or stakeholder interested reclaiming a natural sky above HRPO and its surrounding while simultaneously saving money and energy, and making ...
For over four decades BRAS has educated countless numbers of citizens in the joys of planetary and deep-sky gazing, the perils of light pollution and factors to consider when buying ...
NASA, JAXA and ESA are collaborating on the soon-to-launch XRISM mission that will investigate the x-ray Universe like never before. The instruments have been tested. The mirror quadrants have been ...
Weather permitting, viewing through one or more telescopes will take place. During this time the waxing crescent Moon will be at a maximum altitude of 8° in Virgo. Please keep headlights off while ...
Weather permitting, viewing through one or more telescopes will take place. There will also be physical science demonstrations, a marshmallow roast, a sky tour and a game for kids to earn ...
Some believe it to be the largest Earth volcano eruption ever. Killing tens of thousands and changing the local landscape, the event will be outlined by BREC Education Program Specialist ...
Weather permitting, viewing through one or more telescopes will take place. During this time the waxing gibbous Moon will be at a maximum altitude of 31° in Ophiuchus. Please keep headlights off while ...