Evening Sky Viewing
Highland Road Park ObservatoryWeather permitting, viewing through one or more telescopes will take place. During this time the waxing crescent Moon will be below the horizon. Please keep headlights off while parking and ...
Weather permitting, viewing through one or more telescopes will take place. During this time the waxing crescent Moon will be below the horizon. Please keep headlights off while parking and ...
The two brightest stars in the night sky are visible right now. Cadets will encounter the stunning and fierce beauty of these scientifically-interesting objects.
This exciting one-day course is tailor-made to instruct the patron in the basics of the unaided-eye Baton Rouge sky. [Limit thirty enrollees. $15 per EBR-Parish enrollee; $18 per other-Parish enrollee. ...
Weather permitting, viewing through one or more telescopes will take place. During this time the waxing crescent Moon will be at a maximum altitude of 22° in Pisces. Please keep ...
In a record time, the life-saving antitoxin medicine reached the Alaska town threatened with annihilation from a spread of diphtheria. Education Program Specialist Amy Northrop presents the story for the ...
Weather permitting, viewing through one or more telescopes will take place. During this time the waxing gibbous Moon will be at a maximum altitude of 88° in Taurus. Please keep ...
The International Space Station is one of the greatest engineering feats in human history. From April 2004 to October 2004 Gennady Padalka and Mike Fincke conducted experiments and did what ...
Weather permitting, viewing through one or more telescopes will take place. During this time the waxing gibbous Moon will be at a maximum altitude of 88° in Gemini. Please keep ...
For over four decades the Baton Rouge Astronomical Society has educated countless numbers of citizens in the joys of planetary and deep-sky gazing, and factors to consider when buying a ...
Weather permitting, viewing of the Sun’s image in three different manners (indirectly onto a white surface, directly with safely-filtered optical light and directly in hydrogen-alpha wavelength) will take place. During ...
CANCELLED. (Large pieces of work equipment in HRPO front parking lot. Patrons are discouraged from visiting at this time. HRPO will close at 8pm.) Take an enthralling look at the ...
Double stars, clusters, nebulae...they are all out there. Cadets will learn what they are, from where they hail and how to search for them! To register, go to www.brec.org, access ...